Bua Ekta Kapoor made a special post on her Instagram handle and shared a video, wishing her first child on his birthday. The video is a compilation of several videos and images of Laksshay with his bua, dadi, dadu, papa and little bhai, Ravie. Together with the cute video, bua Ekta wrote, “The one ! The first one ! Who made us …US! Happie bday laqu! Thanku for being d one who made me mommy first! Ur my jaaaaaan ! My twin my fellow Gemini.”
In a media interview, dad Tusshar shared the plans of his son’s birthday during the lockdown. Besides, he also talked about his son’s birthday wish. He said, “It will only be us and the staff, who are like family. This is not the right time for a big celebration. Laksshya wants a blueberry cheesecake, but didn’t mention that he wants to call everyone. At this age, kids are happy in their own space, with known faces around.”
In an earlier media talk, Tusshar shared all about the fatherhood journey and stated, “I always wanted to be a father that was my first inspiration. It was something that came from within. Then, I met filmmaker Prakash Jha on the trip to Tirupati. On that car journey on my way back from Chennai, we spoke about this idea of becoming a single father and how it is possible. He enlightened me about the process. I took a few weeks, and thought about it. Introspected and made a firm decision to never turn back and fulfill my dream of being a single father.”
“It was entirely my decision. I started the process myself and then informed them about it. They were very supportive of it but it was not their push. It was just moral support, family support, emotional support, they were always there when I needed them. But it was entirely my part, my process, my decision and my journey,” he added up.
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