Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli both got hitched in the year 2018. Their wedding took place in front of their close friends and family members. All the rituals were performed religiously. Now from the time they have gotten married, both of them keep sharing cozy and lovey-dovey pictures on their respective social media accounts. We have bought you some collection of their cozy pictures:
Whenever we see such pictures of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma bring so happy, it makes us happy too. With this picture, Anushka posted a very big message in the caption.
Anushka Sharma surely brings joy & happiness in Virat Kohli’s life, loving this duo! While sharing the picture, Virat captioned it as, “Throwback To the soft winds , rustle of trees , touch of that winter snow …. All things we are eternally grateful for. Like we have always been .”
Throwback to Anushka Sharma’s first Karvachauth for hubby Virat Kohli, they look very elegant and in love.
Taking some time out from their busy schedules, Virat Kohli & Anushka Sharma play board games with their parents. This picture also had a big caption to it.
Virat Kohli is grateful for the time he gets to spend with Anushka Sharma, shares a picture amidst lockdown as it was Anushka’s birthday. Anushka Sharma celebrated her birthday at home with hubby Virat Kohli, she looks the happiest and lost in the moment. He captioned the pic as, “You my love bring light into this world. And you light up my world everyday. I love you.”
The couple shares a picture from their cozy moments. Anushka Sharma & Virat Kohli give out some major couple goals. The picture has a beautiful simple caption as, “Self – isolation is helping us love each other in all ways & forms ”
Nice post to check. Here's is a list of stunning Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma pics you must see!